After the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton voiced "serious concerns" about the parliamentary elections which took place in Russia, this week, the MEPs called for new free and fair elections and an immediate and full investigation of all reports of fraud and intimidation in the Russian elections held on 4 December, while welcoming demonstrations in Russia as an expression of the will of the people in a resolution passed on Wednesday.
"MEPs stress that the running of the election showed that Russia does not meet election standards as defined by the OSCE, and express deep concern about reports of fraud and the preliminary findings of the OSCE/ODIHR report on procedural violations, lack of media impartiality, harassment of independent monitors and lack of separation between party and state".
Victor Roncea suprins de Agerpres în 13 iunie 1990: O fotografie cu mine
Am găsit întâmplător în Arhiva Agerpres o fotografie cu mine fotografiind.
Acțiunea surprinsă se petrecea pe 13 iunie 1990, pe la orele prânzului. Mă
văd t...
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